Making the Shift

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 65 Degrees 5:51 a.m.

It turns out that if you switch your perspective on this platform method of client attraction thing from one of getting to one of giving, your world is going to change.

The media platform isn’t about what you can GET. It’s about developing a distribution system to GIVE.

A lot of good comes from this shift:

First of all, you lose your emotional attachment to the “getting” (that’s a savvy attraction move right there) and you place the focus of your ego on something OTHER than itself (you direct it at being valuable.)

Next, coming up with ideas for content becomes far easier. Instead of thinking, “What do I have to say/do to get X,” which often ends up being a guessing game leading only to frustration, you get in the habit of thinking, “How can I make the universe of my prospects and clients better today than it was yesterday?”

Finally, this shift allows you to start a chain reaction throughout your universe that will come back to benefit you.

As a past client of mine, Yanik Silver, said, “You can’t outgive the universe.”

I’d add to that, “But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.”

There’s just one thing you have to be prepared for if you set out on this path:

Can your ego handle the blow that you could possibly help someone WITHOUT them first giving you money? The ego doesn’t like that. It’s going to throw a fit. It’s going to tell you this is dumb. It’s going to start screaming about how you’re worth it. About how it’s time the world recognizes you for your contribution.

You don’t make a contribution because you want to get something, you make a contribution because that’s what you’ve been made to GIVE.

Can you trust, even for just a moment, that’s going to be enough?

In my experience, it is. But it takes practice to develop this into your normal state of being. Trust doesn’t mean you don’t do anything. Trust means you’re not empty inside UNTIL something you want to happen actually happens.

Did ANYONE ever spend time teaching you about this? No. Because people who trust are not easily manipulated. They are virtually impossible to control. They also tend to be… happy.

If you’re thinking of creating a media platform to “get clients,” then don’t do it. That perspective will not provide you with the fuel you need to make the journey.

There are people who can offer you shortcuts and hacks and tips and tricks to “get you there” fast.

That’s not what we do here, because ultimately, that makes it all about YOU.

And that’s an empty journey, in my opinion. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

If you’re interested in building something that can truly add value to the lives of your prospects and clients, however, that’s the way to begin. Good things come from having THIS as your priority.

The platform is a tool that not only provides value but also broadcasts a clear signal for the folks who should take a step towards working with you.

If you become valuable, they WILL come and they do.