Luv Yerself

The Desert of Arizona
Partly Cloudy 34 Degrees – 7:26 a.m.

Most people would laugh if you presented at a business conference and talked about love. I can just hear the crowd now!

“What are we supposed to do with that? We paid money to hear THIS? Can’t we get some best practices or something more practical that we can use to entertain our monkey minds? At least give us ’10 things to remember’ so we don’t have to think! Please?”

That would be an experience. And there’d probably be a room full of very uncomfortable people. Heck, most people are trained to become extremely uncomfortable as soon as anyone starts talking bout ANYTHING real.

So be it.

Today we’re talking about something real.

And that is your current capacity to love yourself.

What does loving yourself actually feel like?

From my experience, it’s an active thing, not a passive one. And if I had to put it into words, I would describe it this way:

Loving yourself is what happens when you fully accept, without reservation, everything about you at every level, and infuse that decision with a deep sense of gratitude for WHAT IS.

“That sounds nice, Jason, but it’s not very practical…”

“Practical” leads to your todo list getting done.

REAL leads you to transforming the world.

Make a choice at which level you want to operate and go do that.

I choose REAL. Once you choose that level, the “practical” becomes extremely obvious.

So how would you describe your current capacity to love yourself? Is it well developed? Is it nothing but a dream at the moment?

Either way, the path forward is the same. You begin to practice the skill of doing this.

It’s a skill. You must practice it. You must WORK ON IT.


Because no one is capable of giving this to you.

Money won’t, awards won’t, friends won’t, a big mailing list of raving fans won’t… nothing can… but YOU.

Most people spend their entire LIFETIME chasing others for this love. And they never realize there is no way to get this from others. You must develop the ability to give it to yourself without condition.

I dare you to try it.