The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 63 Degrees
OK, so maybe I’ve seen the Godfather movies just a few too many times. (If, God forbid, you’ve never seen the scene that served as inspiration for today’s subject line, this is it.)
But this line is immensely valuable in the client world. Only I’d submit that we alter it a bit for our needs so it reads, “Leave the client, take the cannoli…”
We are in business to enrich our lives. There’s a reason we aren’t sitting in a windowless office cubicle in the basement of some skyscraper somewhere working for the man.
If you’re reading this, my assumption is that you want BETTER for yourself than a life where your success is dictated to you by someone else.
But when you find yourself mired in the muck of a client who is dragging you down, it’s easy to get obsessed with fixing the situation.
Sometimes, the best thing to do is just pick up your marbles and move on.
Really, your life could be OVER today. So could mine. Is there a reason to waste even a minute of it on something or someone that makes you miserable?
That doesn’t mean you have to be a jerk. You can be polite. But some situations aren’t fixable or even worth fixing. So sometimes, the best thing you can do for everyone is to move on.
This is why you create a Platform folks. A Platform is a blog, newsletter, podcast, or some other media (designed for YOUR ideal “clients to be”) that demonstrates your value in advance. It’s a form of stealth selling that works.
And it can provide you with an enormous amount of confidence to make the hard decisions… like firing clients. Because if you have no assurance that another client is coming down the pike, it’s very hard to leave even the worst client relationships.
There is an enormous need for this–by that I mean strategically designed Platforms for service providers. It’s hard to stick out right now, but it’s getting a whole lot noisier! And since I’ve done so much work in this area, I’m beginning to realize just how valuable the process I’ve developed is.
It’s not just about the Platform. It’s about the thinking work required to create the Platform.
It’s the THINKING that is valuable. Because it’s the THINKING that gives you clarity. It allows you to discover what you’re about, what makes you different, more valuable, and how to leverage that to attract the right clients.
Clarity leads to better decisions. Clarity helps you avoid clients you shouldn’t be working with.
This is the work we do together. If you’ve been unclear about what you bring to the marketplace, unsure about how to express it, and feel like you’re making it up as you go, you would benefit GREATLY from this work.
I’m opening up the Platform Express Service for a few more days as a stand alone offering. Get in now while it’s open.
What could this level of clarity about your business be worth to you?