Leading or Selling

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 54 Degrees

As a business person, we’re trained to figure out what the “market wants” and then give that to them.

If you ever meet someone honest enough to tell you the truth, you’ll find out that no one knows what the market wants. Some people get it right and then you hear about their story. Those are the heroes everyone else is told to “model.”

To me, figuring out what the market wants and giving it to them has nothing to do with being a leader.

I’m not arguing one is better than the other. My point is simply to be clear which activity you want to do.

Lead or sell?

I choose leading. It’s how I’m wired.

That means all I do is show people what I have. I talk about where I’m going. I share stories of others who have walked that way and what happened to them.

After that, I don’t care what happens. I know where I’m headed in spite of what happens.

Which is why I don’t chase people. Prospects not getting back to me doesn’t make me go after them to get an “answer.” Their lack of response IS the answer – it’s the only one I need.

Leaders don’t double back to get the people who don’t want to be led. They are only focused on the people who want to be there.

Are you in business to lead or sell?