It Even Works For Plumbers!

The Client Letter
December 5, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 42 Degrees

During an interview I recorded yesterday about “buildin’ da bidness,” the host asked me a question about lead generation.

We talked about how lead generation is often the hardest part of the business puzzle. If you can’t get leads, then closing the sale is pretty much impossible.

When I got started in marketing, I had a pretty shortsighted view of how to generate leads.

You just put together a multi-step campaign and POOF, leads pop out, right? Riiiigghhhhhtttt….

Think about someone like financial expert Dave Ramsey. I imagine Dave could put together “lead generation” campaigns and try to get new people to come into his world.

But instead of a “lead generation campaign” that’s 5, 7 or 10 steps, Dave has PLATFORM.

He’s on the radio every single day. He’s generating leads every single day. Selling every single day. Closing every single day.

And it’s not annoying because the expectation for that level of contact is built in to the Platform.

He shows up every day.

I’ve been watching the magic of this approach for a few years now, but I still can’t get over how fundamentally simple it is.

During the interview, I gave a bunch of examples of how even a plumber could benefit from creating a PLATFORM and working it consistently.

I say give up trying so hard to force people through a sales funnel. It’s painful and it can annoy your future customers 🙂 And it doesn’t do much good for your positioning when you push people. Especially when you’re selling yourself. Instead, give them opportunities to buy every month, every week, every day even.

The frequency doesn’t matter as much as the consistency does.

If you need a brainstorm for what a Platform could look like for your business, you can get a bunch of them in this.