It Comes Down to Sooner or Later

The Desert of Arizona
Partly Sunny 41 Degrees

RE: It comes down to now or later…

I wish I had learned the truth years ago. But apparently, I just wasn’t ready for it.

Now I know of some entrepreneurs who hit it big with very little (almost no) effort. They pretty much got lucky. And they’re happy to admit it. For some reason, that’s never been my path.

Despite knowing that (somewhere deep down), I went looking for the quick route anyway. I spent a long time and a fair amount of money looking for quick ways to get somewhere.

I say “somewhere” because I wasn’t exactly sure which direction I was headed. One of my big obstacles early on in business was that I wasn’t exactly sure what the work that I was supposed to be doing was. I wasn’t even clear on what business I was in!

Here’s what I finally discovered:

In any business, there’s a level of success that’s available relatively close to the surface. This amount of success is often small and limited.

The real success doesn’t begin to show itself until you start digging. Deeper and deeper you go. You make adjustments, you change course. You dig this way, then you dig that way.

The point is this:

Sooner or later, you’re going to have to do the work. You may as well just suck it up and start sooner than later.

Someone out there who is trying to attract the same clients you are is already doing the work. So every day that you delay, they get ahead–you fall behind.

I’m not really a very competitive person, so when I say “you fall behind,” I’m not talking about your competition.

I’m talking about you falling behind in realizing the potential you have to create an impact in the world. We only have a short amount of time to do that. So wasting time just isn’t smart.

Just sit down and start doing the work to build your business and attract clients.

Is there any way out of it?

Well, maybe. For a very select group of people, who sell high ticket services, this might be one way.