Hunting Down the Platform That Builds Itself

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 72 Degrees

RE: Hunting down the Platform that builds itself

Today we’re going to talk about a beast that’s as elusive as big foot and as mysterious as the abominable snowman.

What is this mythical creature?

It’s called, “The Platform That Builds Itself.”

If you’re new to the idea of The Platform, you haven’t been reading these letters 🙂 Just in case, the Platform is some sort of publication that attracts clients to you. That’s a vast over simplification, but you get the idea.

Now at this point in my life, I’m not really sure whether or not beings like big foot and the abominable snowman exist. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. I live in Sedona, so I make a habit of regularly entertaining the possibility of ideas most people would call crazy.

Hearing someone talk about aliens isn’t a weird thing around here. In fact, that’s just an average Tuesday!

But I can be 100% sure that “The Platform That Builds Itself” does not exist. I’ve never seen it happen and I truly doubt it ever will. I don’t go hunting for this beast because I’ve written it off as “urban legend.”

Platforms don’t build themselves. People build them. It takes work, it takes time. This is why they are so effective. Because people can feel that you invested part of yourself into their lives. You can’t do that with an advertisement!

People willing to work are the folks for whom I write these Client Letters. The people who aren’t afraid to work. The people who have given up the search for the silver bullet and are just willing to get busy helping people in advance.

Are you one of those people? Well, at some level, WE ALL ARE. Everyone’s willing to work. The question is really: for what are you willing to work?

That’s really the important thing to think about. If you put the right incentive in front of yourself, it almost doesn’t seem like work. Because you’ve given yourself a level of motivation that makes any short term pain (really, we’re not digging ditches here, so that’s a bit over the top) well worth it.

For me, “more clients” isn’t the incentive. “More clients” is just like the pursuit of money. You want it, until you have enough of it. Then all of a sudden, it loses the meaning it once had. You realize that’s not going to motivate you for the rest of your life.

No, for me, it’s about the lifestyle. I can have the LIFE I want if I help the right people in the right ways.

And the way those people find out about me and learn to trust me is through The Platform. The way I identify them is through the Platform.

I’m sitting here writing this to you today. I think it took 20-30 minutes. 30 minutes, every day. 30 minutes isn’t much of an investment in making the world a better place… until you do it hundreds and thousands of times.

You look up one day and realize you’re making an impact. And that’s when you get access to an energy source that is not your own. That’s when your “work” starts to become play. The more you do this, the better you get. The clearer you get, the more effective you get, the more momentum you generate, the more impact you deliver.

And it’s at that moment that EVERYTHING changes…

If you want to experience that moment for you, then get started with your Platform today. There’s plenty of help out there if you need and want it. The important thing is to START.