Mountains of Arizona
Hot 87 Degrees
2:01 p.m.
We’re less than a week out from the next Platform Lab. During the four weeks, I work directly with people to create a media platform. If you’re coming, you’re running out of time.
A media platform is not advertising.
I probably wouldn’t even call it “marketing” any more.
Because no one wants to be marketed to. No one.
Publishing a media platform is about serving many people, consistently, over time, without demanding anything in return.
It’s pretty rare. Which is why it works and will work for as long as people have problems to solve.
What’s the ROI? And when does the payoff come?
If those are the primary questions someone has about starting a media platform, I might recommend that they do something to undo the brainwashing they’ve received about what business is actually about.
It’s not about making transactions happen.
That’ll get you money, but that’s not a business.
Because once the transactions stop, you’ve got nothing. You’re like a hamster on a wheel you have to keep spinning by grinding.
From my perspective, running around like a programmed ROI Robot means you missed the point.
What’s the ROI of spending tons of time with your kids? We never know right? In fact, who would even think about it that way?
Because that’s FAMILY. That’s not business. Business plays by different rules, right?
That’s the brainwashing. That these two things we do are different. It’s all life. The rules are the same. The brainwashing was supposed to program us in such a way that all we see is scarcity. So then we’d be “forced” to get our piece of the pie or watch someone else eat our piece.
Does it look like people are having fun with this program?
Business is about improving the lives of human beings in ways that are so valuable they happily exchange energy for the solution you provide.
Life is about improving the lives of human beings in ways that are so valuable they happily exchange energy for the solution you provide.
It’s about impacting the world in a way where, when the exchange is over, both parties have something EXTRA that is created.
Dare I say that “extra” thing is LOVE?
It’s certainly not going to get me invited to any business conferences talking like this. And it might even get me called crazy.
But it’s not crazy. It’s actually the truth. And perhaps if enough people with guts choose to stop playing the dog-eat-dog game of business as they’ve had it shoved down their throats, then we could actually get back to the point of our time here, which is to make the world a better place.