How to Make More Time

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The Client Letter
How To Make More Time
Friends Don’t Let Friends
Work With Bad Clients

May 7, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Sunny 41 degrees

Right now, I’m re-reading Dan Kennedy’s No B.S. Time Management book. If you’ve never read it, get it.

Every so often, I need to read this again and realign the way I spend my day with the main priorities for my life and business.

This book slaps the sense back into me.

Look, we’ve all got the same 8 hours in a day to work. So the bottom line is that your success, or the lack of it, is going to come down to how you spend your time.

If you suck at managing yourself, you will limit your success. Period.

I know that because I can see when it happens in my own life.

As a business owner, I’ve trained myself not to say or think, “No” too often. After all, I’m an optimist and don’t really think there’s much that isn’t possible.

But when I get too deep into all the warm and fuzzy positive thinking, I forget that God invented the word “No” for a reason.

It was invented to be used.

“Can you have that done today by noon?”


“Can you do a last minute conference call this morning?”


“We just want to speak with you one more time before we approve the proposal…”


See how good that feels?

Take a look at your business and ask yourself who is in control of your time today.

If you answer (or even think) that it’s your clients who are controlling you, here’s a cold glass of water to splash in your face.


YOU control your time. If you feel you don’t, that’s only because you’ve given away that power to someone else.

Take it back.

Be confident in who you are and where you’re going. This might help you do that.

Protect the route you’ve chosen to walk to reach your goals. Others will have no trouble pulling you away from your journey. It’s your job to make sure they don’t.

This might annoy them. Get over it.

See you next time,

Jason Leister
Editor, The Client Letter
Creating Success for Independent Professionals

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Please note, do not use your name or any personally identifying information in the testimonial as these are 100% anonymous.

Why are these testimonials anonymous? Because while some people do think their clients suck at times, that doesn’t mean you want them to know that 🙂

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