How to Double Your Value Doing the Same Work

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 76 Degrees – 11:53 a.m.

There are plenty of creative ways to double, triple (or more!) your fees.

The most straightforward way is to simply do it. Just wake-up tomorrow and charge double.

As Dan Kennedy always says… at that point, you’ve transformed a money problem (low fees) into a marketing problem (needing clients who pay higher fees). And marketing problems are far easier to solve than money problems.

Another possibility is to do more work or to get more clients. But really, we’re all too busy already. So MORE isn’t really an option.

The most effective way I’ve discovered to increase fees is to aim what I do at people for whom the problem I solve is FAR more expensive if left unsolved or provides FAR more benefit once it IS solved.

Think about that for a moment and ask yourself if you have some room for growth there.

Are you aiming what you do at the folks who will receive the greatest benefit from what you do?

If I do what I do for a massage therapist, the RESULT experienced will be limited.

If I do what I do for a consultant with clients worth in excess of $200K EACH, the same work from me produces an ENTIRELY different amount of value for them.

Same work, different result.

If the revenue isn’t where you want it to be, there’s a chance YOU’RE not actually the part that has to change.

It’s much easier to STAY the way you are and find people who view the value of what you do on a completely different level.

Who are these people? And where can you find them?

These are the questions to ask.