How to Become Wealthy Selling Stuff No One Wants

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 58 Degrees

The truth is, it’s probably not going to happen. It’s difficult to get anywhere at all when you’re selling stuff no one wants. I’m sure someone can figure it out, but not many. I’m not interested in solving a problem like that.

I had a consultation yesterday with an advisor who is in this type of business. He’s selling a service no one wants. They need it, but they don’t want it. And they’re not really interested in talking about it because they have other more pressing priorities.

There’s no fire to put out, there’s no blood spurting out of anyone’s neck. There’s just no urgency in the situation.

So what’s an Incomparable Expert to do?

Stop selling stuff no one wants. They don’t want the service, they want the result of the service. But few service providers talk about the result. Why? Because they’re in love with the service!

You just can’t be. No one is interested in the service until they are committed to achieving the result. So find those people. That way, there’s no convincing required.

You simply find the people that already want the result. You do this by telling the story of the result and what that means. That will bring them out of the crowd. Then you show them that you offer the vehicle to get the result.

Such a simple idea. And extremely powerful.

The funny part about simple and powerful ideas is few people execute on them. They just aren’t that exciting. They aren’t “hard enough” to be exciting.

This is a secret that’s hiding in plain sight, exactly where few will do anything with it.