He Names Names!

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 76 Degrees – 11:51 a.m.

I spend a lot of time naming things. Naming is powerful because words are powerful. Words, used well, provide a direct connection to the inner realms of a human being.

Words impact thought.

Words impact feeling.

Words impact actions.

Even more importantly, words actually give birth to reality.

If there’s no name for a thing, does it exist? It sure would be hard to write about the emotional state of happiness if there was no accepted word to describe that feeling.

So how do words give birth to reality?

I’ll give you an example.

Years ago, I was sitting with my wife (when we didn’t yet have enough kids to make sitting down completely impractical 🙂 in our home up in Flagstaff Arizona. We were living on a golf course and we were creating the name for what became the Indie Birth Association and the soon to be open Indie Birth Midwifery School.

It took us a while to come up with that name. It took us even longer to get clear on exactly what it meant.

When she created her flagship course, that helps women all over the world give birth in a way where they no longer give away their power to another person (sorry Doc!), the vision started to get clearer and clearer.

Finally, the words “Indie Birth” took on a life of their own. And these days, people come to her and say, “I want to have an Indie Birth, please help me.”

This happens in the world of the Incomparable Expert as well. Emails come in saying, “I want to be the Incomparable Expert in my industry.”

For lack of a better way to describe it, this process is the creation of what is known as a THOUGHT FORM. It’s energy imprinted with specific thoughts. In our case, something that did not exist was given a name and “dimensionalized” until it became a real thing.

This is why NAMES are so important. If you call yourself a financial planner, there’s a widely accepted set of thoughts and emotions that are ALREADY associated with that pair of words. Good luck changing it!

It’s far easier to move beyond those to territory that more effectively communicates your value.

Start paying attention to names and the thoughts and emotions that are automatically triggered in you when you see or hear them.