Gumming Up the Works at the Post Office

The Client Letter
February 7, 2013
Way North of Lake Wobegon
Snowish 28 Degrees

Yesterday I was at the post office mailing out some newsletters and I single handedly backed up the entire line by showing up with a single package to be sent to a Rainmaker Letter subscriber in Canada.

A few days before that, I really gummed things up with about 7 international packages. Couple that with all of the packages I had for subscribers in the U.S. and a wonky touch screen the poor postal employee had to fight with the entire time… and the experience was something to remember.

In case you’re wondering, I usually print postage and save myself from having to show up at the “we have zero incentive to work fast or optimize our processes” post office.

But most of my worldly possessions (including the postage scale and printer) are currently on a big truck somewhere east of Colorado where they don’t do me much good.

So there I stood at the counter enduring the alternative.

It’s no wonder the postal service lost $16 billion last year alone.

The people are nice enough (most of them), but the systems and processes that run the show seem to be awful.

Which brings me to the point of today’s letter:

The importance of process. Most importantly: YOUR process for getting clients.

A lot of people who say they want to get clients really mean they want to have gotten clients.

And so they invest time in wishing for that to be instead of doing the work to make it happen.

I don’t have too much advice for those people because I haven’t yet figured out how to get something that’s worth anything for nothing.

And so I work. And I write. And I make mistakes and tweak and improve.

It’s the process that’s the key. The better your process for generating leads, sifting/sorting clients, the happier you will be.

And that’s the very focus of The Rainmaker Letter–the monthly newsletter I write with strategies and tips for generating leads, attracting clients and improving the results of your business.

I told you earlier this year that my focus has shifted to delivering far more value to you, my subscribers and customers.

And for that reason, I’ve made some major changes to the Rainmaker Letter.

(No more trips to the post office for me!)

If you’re looking to improve your business working with clients, I’m confident to say you won’t find a better value for doing it ANYWHERE.

Take a look and get onboard. I think you’ll be surprised.