Goldilocks and the 3 Experts

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 55 Degrees

First, there are the experts that only show up when they want something from you. We’ll disqualify them right away because it’s clear what they’re about. And you can only deal with that for so long before you set their filter to [IGNORE.]

Second, there are the experts who are looking for your validation to make them experts. They don’t understand they have it completely backwards.
But this is why you don’t feel confident in their presence. You don’t find people to anoint you as leader before you lead, you lead in order to find those who want to follow.

Finally, there are Incomparable Experts. These are the folks who stake their claim and say, “I’m here, this is what I do and this is for whom I do it.” They figure out how to become valuable to a largish group of people far in advance of and regardless of any money changing hands.

Two questions for today:

Which type of expert do you want to be? Which one is the right fit for you?