Going Deeper With the Big Self, Little Self

The Desert of Arizona
Cloudy 49 Degrees

Today I’m going to point you to an AUDIO version of the Client Letter. It’s a podcast I recently recorded with Fabienne Raphael from MarketingToCrushYourCompetitorsPodcast.com.

Over the years, it turns out that my biggest “competitor” has been me. And yes, I’ve crushed myself over and over again.

Just when you start thinking you have things figured out, that’s when you break it all and start over.

At first, you think it’s a problem. These days, I realize that’s how I grow.

So give it a listen… We talk about a lot of valuable things for service providers.

There’s an intro for about a minute and then we get to the Big Self / Little Self stuff.

Listen to the podcast here. You have to scroll down a bit to get the audio.