Getting BETTER Clients

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 57 Degrees

So yesterday, we talked about increasing your fees.

Today, let’s dig a little deeper into that idea. Because really, I think you can view increasing your fees, not as something you do directly, but as a byproduct of something else.

It’s not always easy to take your current situation and just double your fee. Sometimes you can do that, sometimes it doesn’t work so well. The main reason it doesn’t work is that once clients “put you in a box,” it’s hard to redefine what that box is. You can’t really go from being the guy who charges $500 to the guy who charges $50,000 within the very same client base. It’s usually just easier to get another client and start fresh.

Once you get your Platform built and running, and once the clients start to appear, the work really centers around one specific task:

Improving the quality of your clients over time.

This is the real source of your ability to increase your fees and GET what you ask.

The good news is that’s what the Platform does. It increases the QUALITY of your clients the longer you go. You get better clients, period.

What is a “better client” exactly?

It’s a client who is MORE pre-sold on you, MORE completely, with LESS effort from you, and someone who has little to NO resistance to your fee levels.

You still want to be a “good value,” but that doesn’t mean cheap. It simply means that you keep in mind the ratio between YOUR fee and the perceived value that you deliver to the client.

Here’s the secret:

The Platform allows the repeated demonstration of what that value IS. The higher the perceived value, the higher your fee can be without meeting resistance.