Floating Down the Human Nature River

The Client Letter
April 12, 2013
The Northland
Snow 32 Degrees

Today we’re going to take a short little trip down the Human Nature River.

When you’re selling your services, you can travel against the current, or you can travel with it and use it to propel you along your journey.

People want what they can’t have, sooner than they should have it, for far less work than it really takes to get it.

So in terms of your prospects, that’s pretty much where they’re at. That’s the way the current is flowing.

To the extent you can deliver that, the easier your selling job will be.

This is why selling things that require clients and customers to work hard is such a difficult thing to do. Who wants to actually pay for that?

In a perfect world, you’d be walking around selling a silver bullet, best thing since sliced bread product or service.

Clearly, it’s not that easy.

But there IS a “silver bullet” component in most products and services. You just have to find it and lead with it.

It can’t be over the top though. It has to be believable and it has to be true.

Because we’re selling US. Which means we can’t get outta town once the sale happens. No, we actually have to stick around and work with the client. So buyer’s remorse doesn’t work out so well for us service providers.

The current is flowing towards easier success, faster success, less painful success.

Can you show your prospects how what you do flows with that current?

When in doubt, put yourself in the skin of your prospect. As your prospect, ask yourself, “If I could order up the perfect service for my needs, exactly what would it look like?”

If you need help viewing things from that angle, here’s something that can make it a whole lot easier.