Finding “What Works”

Everyone wants to know “what works.” Few people want to figure it out.

I spent years wandering in the “wilderness” trying to find what works. I should have just spent the time figuring it out. But that’s hard right?

Well, it’s only hard because most of us are setup to fail from the getgo.

We try to get clients on Facebook®… then we try to get clients on Linkedin. Then we show up at the networking events. Eventually, we move on to pay-per-click advertising. That doesn’t work either, so then we move on to something else. You can spend years like this-being extremely busy with absolutely no real progress. You just skim along the surface looking for “what works.”

Here’s the news: EVERYTHING WORKS… for someone.

The problem is, we were trained to want to be right, not to be effective.

This gets you accolades in the brainwashing that is modern day “schooling.” In real life, however, it robs you of your real power. It leads you to believe a lie that some people know all these secrets that you don’t know. And if you could only find those things, EVERYTHING would change. Ha!

In the big scheme of things, no one knows what the hell they are doing. No one knows for a fact what’s going to work or not before they try it.

The people who haven’t shed the need to be right tend to stand still. The people who are ok with screwing up (which I’d argue is the only real way to learn anything) just move ahead.

This is why almost everything I do is focused on REPEATING systems. I’ve finally figured out that finding “what works” doesn’t come in a big flash of light from the heavens. It comes one step at a time. You do something, you watch, you learn. You do it again, you watch, you learn some more.

If you remember nothing else, remember this quote from Stephen McCranie:

“The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.”

Instead of waiting for clarity to take action, figure out a way (like the Platform!) to take the repeated action required to bring clarity.

It’s the exact opposite of what we’ve been told folks.

You don’t KNOW then DO.

You DO in order to KNOW.