eMOH-chuh-nul Integration Made EZ

The Desert of Arizona
Rainish 55 Degrees

I’m not really much for small talk, like talking about the weather or what I had for breakfast… so how about we talk about something real today?

Let’s take that feeling you get when you get rejected by a client or prospect.

I’m sure it’s not too hard for you to recall that feeling. Well, go ahead and do that right now. Just dredge that muck right up into your gut and give it a really good stir.

Feels great right? Not so much?

I spent years avoiding this feeling. When it showed up, I ran the other way… literally and figuratively.

Looking back, this is not only the wrong thing to do, it’s the exact opposite of the right thing to do.

The reason why is because if this becomes the relationship you have with this feeling, it will forever control your actions. You will be a puppet, for lack of a better word.

The more you avoid it and run from it, the stronger it becomes.

The smarter approach is to simply let that feeling fill you right up to the brim. Don’t get rid of it, don’t try to distract yourself, just feel it for a while.

There’s something amazing that happens when you have the guts to do this: the feeling loses control over you. You don’t even have to try, you simply have to be unwilling to flee.

So what happens to your power of attraction in the marketplace when you lose your fear of feeling rejection?

I think you’ll be amazed.