Dumb Phone For a Stupid Me

The Client Letter
February 11, 2013
Way North of Lake Wobegon
Cloudy 28 Degrees

I got rid of my smartphone and got a “stupid” phone.

This marks the second time I wised up and realized that what should be a tool for great productivity is actually, in my life, the biggest obstacle to it.

This time around, I feel a bit more prepared to make the change permanent.

Attention is power. We all have this power. And we are all free to use it in any way we see fit.

If I choose to put myself in situations where that attention is broken up into 150 different pieces with tweets and likes and beeps and chirps and email and calls and reminders and… well, my productivity will suffer because of it.

So why do I do it? And why have I done it so much?

Because it’s easy. It’s far easier than doing something important.

But I can either spend my life producing value or I can spend it consuming value. I can either spend my time “staying in the loop” or I can spend my time creating value in the world.

I look around at the people who produce more than they consume and I say, “Hmmm…. those folks are making out pretty well.”

Then I look over at the people who consume more than they produce. “Not quite as nice a view over there. And future prospects look bleak.”

Where are you putting your attention? Is that place worthy of your attention?

I’m choosing to be on the net producer side of things. So I gave my iPhone to my wife (Sorry my dear, I DO love you, really. And good luck.)

It’s difficult to put into words the freedom I feel from a simple decision like that to unplug the “info-IV” for good.

It’s probably no coincidence that over the past few days, as I was gearing up for this change, I managed to finish two new special reports for Rainmaker Letter subscribers.

The first, “Just Like Magic: The Mysterious Secret to Attracting Success”, reveals a business secret (really THE business secret) I’ve discovered from some of the most successful people I know.

The second focuses on accomplishing a feat most people probably think is impossible. It’s called, “How to Attract More Clients By Raising Your Rates – The 3 Step Process For Getting Paid More For Doing Less .”

Both reports are free and available instantly with your Rainmaker Letter subscription.

The next issue of the Rainmaker Letter comes out later this week, so get the details about these reports here.