Doing the Two Step

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 48 Degrees

RE: Doing the two step

Dancing was illegal in my high school.

I guess “illegal” isn’t the appropriate word. But it was far too “worldly” to be condoned. All that movement… and the swinging hips! The horror!

Needless to say, I never learned to dance.

My wife and I took a SINGLE dance lesson once when we lived in NYC. It was a group event held right in front of the Met Opera.

There we were, two fish out of water. Stepping here stepping there. First and last dance lesson that was. And no, I don’t remember anything I learned… the two-step is greek to me.

The “two step” in the direct response marketing world is something I understand quite well though. You write an ad that generates leads (maybe by offering a free something), then you send the sales offer to those leads.

Two step ads are all over the place. And they’re used to sell just about anything. High ticket products and products that sell for only a few hundred bucks.

If you’re in a business with good numbers, a client is worth many times more than that. And yet, it’s easy to think that you can just send out a single marketing piece and get the clients running.

Maybe that works, I don’t know. Never had it happen that way for me.

Attracting a client is not an event. It’s not something you do with one wave of your magic wand. Attracting clients is a process.

And as the size of the fee goes up, the length of that process tends to increase… in my experience it can easily span YEARS. You need trust to make a sale. The higher the fee, the more trust you need.

In direct marketing, you win if you can afford to spend MORE to acquire a customer.

In client attraction, the person with more PATIENCE wins. Attraction increases with time if you know what you are doing. Allow enough time to pass and there’s no more need to “sell.” The clients ask to work with you.

But it depends on process. So the takeaway is to get a process if you don’t already have one.

More coming tomorrow…