Do This, Don’t Do That

The Client Letter
October 11, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Brisk 32 Degrees

FACT: We all get the same number of hours per day to live our life.

FACT: We all have opportunities in our life and business that much of the world does not.

FACT: Some of us end up way “ahead” of others.

Karmic life path issues aside, the difference is in how we use our time. That’s kind of it, isn’t it? But when you think about it that way, then you go down the rabbit hole of “time management.” While important, I don’t think it’s THE issue.

The issue isn’t one of time management, it’s of decision management. Poor decisions come from a lack of clarity.

If you are not clear, there is no way you can make the right decisions for you.

When you ARE clear, decision making becomes extremely simple.

“Does this decision bring me closer to what I want or take me farther from it?”

When you have clarity, it becomes easy to do this and not do that. Over time, the “doing of this” brings you towards your goal.

So then why is finding clarity so difficult?

I don’t think it actually is. Deep down, we all know our answers already. But overwriting our training enough so that we can actually take action congruent with those wants, believe in the inherent validity of those wants, and develop immunity to the imposed fears, opinions and authority of others in reaction to those wants… that’s darn hard sometimes.

Your clarity is there. It may be a very tiny ember right now covered over with a lot of crap, but it’s there. You were BORN with it.

Sometimes all it takes is for someone outside you to tell you what they see. But that’s not a necessity. You came here with everything you need for your journey. So you can figure it out.

And the work is worth it. Because once you begin to get a glimpse of what you’re really here to do and how you’re supposed to do it, well, then doing this becomes pretty darn simple.