Dear Juniper Tree, Why Do You Hate Me So?

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 60 Degrees

Apparently, I’m guilty in a former life of some great travesty against the Juniper tree. Because these last few days in the mountains of Arizona where I live, they are coming to get their revenge. And they mean business.

Ahhh allergies. They really bring you back into the moment. As your eyes are watering and your nose is running away, it really makes you appreciate those 99% of other days where everything is just fine.

Time really slows down on days like this.

But the show must go on. The Platform continues, and the wheel gets another turn.

There’s an odd thing that happens as a byproduct of publishing a Platform for any serious amount of time. It’s quite surprising actually, and not something that I really thought about when I started all of this.

The more issues of the Client Letter I write, the more people for whom I attempt to add value, and the bigger the results that come back to me grow, the more detached I become about everything.

The Platform actually transitions in your brain from something you were doing to GET something else, to a practice that carries meaning all by itself.

Now you probably already know how important “emotional detachment” is in the attraction and selling process. The person who needs it least usually gets the most.

But it’s darn hard to “think your way” to emotional detachment. The harder you try, the more difficult it becomes.

The only thing I know to recommend is to reverse engineer it. The commitment to your Platform, not the results of the Platform, builds in a certain level of detachment.

It’s an odd feeling actually. But it’s effective. Because it ends up attracting much more into your life and business than you ever could have consciously planned.

Could a simple thing like consistency really be this powerful?

My wish for you is that you get the opportunity to discover the answer.