Creating Value From Nothing

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 70 Degrees 6:43 a.m.

Earlier this year, I did a long distance business transformation day with a client. Over the span of about six total hours (via Skype®), we took the raw materials including his skills, experience, perspective and unique approaches and built them into something concrete — something he could talk about.

We took his “invisible” raw materials and built a proprietary framework and methodology he uses to help his clients get results.

It is now a “thing,” with a name, and a story, a reason for being, with clear benefits, focused on a specific result. He even has a booklet describing how the whole thing works.

From there, you can build attraction between your prospects and getting access to this thing, getting access to YOUR way of delivering a result.

The secret is that there is value in synthesis.

There is far less value in raw materials by themselves.

Synthesis, where your combine raw materials into a whole, create synergy, where the whole is worth more than the sum of its parts.

This is how you increase your fees and the value you provide to clients. You do it by taking raw materials and creating something, unique to you, that did not previously exist.

It’s obvious that you can do this when you’re building a home. A finished home is far more valuable than a bunch of wood and bricks.

It’s less obvious, however, that you can do this with IDEAS.

Web design is a raw material. If you sell this, you will blend in. Good luck.

Something called Web Design Express™: the 5 Step System For Creating Cheaper, Quicker, More Profitable Websites is a product of synthesis. There is increased value there from nothing but structured ideas.

You can literally create value out of NOTHING.

Are you doing this?