Clearing Up the Confusion About Trust

The Client Letter
July 8, 2013
The Northland
Rainy 52 Degrees (It’s JULY!)

In a previous issue of The Client Letter, I talked about trust and why it takes so long to build:

This, an excellent comment from a reader, is something you should think about:


“Here’s two examples of trust that prove your point…

First, consider a first responder. Most of the time, a first responder will be a stranger to you. Yet if your life is in danger you’ll trust them.

But – and this proves your point – it’s only because of the millions of good deeds and life saving things they’ve done as group. And it’s signified by the uniform. So yes, it takes time to build that kind of trust.


Is situational trust. This is what a lot of marketing is. We have been told to look for the starving crowd. So if I offer a burger to a starving crowd – they’ll take it. Maybe even pay for it. But they don’t trust me – they trust that the burger looks like a burger so they trust the past experiences of eating burgers.

The problem is WE as marketers confuse where the trust is placed. We tend to believe they trust us when what they trusted was the burger and the only reason they trusted your burger on that day was because they were starving.

Same burger, same marketer is outside the exit doors of an all you can eat buffet and suddenly he’s not such a great marketer.”


To be trusted, you must do things worthy of trust. What are YOU doing on a consistent basis that’s worthy?

Is your website building trust? Are you leveraging the power of the internet to BUILD trust?

Here’s a one-of-a-kind way to get a fast start to doing that: