The Desert of Arizona
Cold 16 Degrees – 6:21 a.m.
Have you ever wondered why so many service providers have trouble charging “what they’re worth?”
For someone who is fascinated with why some ideas spread and others don’t, when I find an idea such as this one that is SO widespread, I DO actually think about how that came to be.
How did so many people get infected with the “I’m not worth much until someone tells me I am!” mind virus?
Why do so many service providers who DO manage to charge what they want sometimes have an issue with actually collecting that? An issue with actually asking for what the agreed upon arrangement says is theirs?
If we’re all secretly craving validation at a deep level, then why wouldn’t we jump at the chance to get it in this form? In the form of money…and plenty of it?
These are things that make me go hmmmmm…..
If you are looking for the external reality to show you how valuable you are so you can believe it, you will be looking for a very long time.
It is completely bass ackwards. And this is exactly the way the system wants it to be. The system is designed for you to be ever stuck in an IF/THEN polarity that is completely outside of your control.
When you go through life and business fooled that you must EARN the privilege to be valuable rather than to EXPRESS the value that is already within you in its fullest form, you will be living in a lie you have accepted by your own consent.
Is that what you want?
You are the source of your reality. Your reality is not the source of YOU.
To offer value to the world, you must do the work to first recognize it in yourself. When you see it and KNOW it, others can see it and know it too.
Can you look in the mirror and tell yourself how valuable you are?
If you think that’s silly, then you’re not ready. And that’s fine.
If it makes you feel uncomfortable to do this, that’s a clue there’s a great treasure waiting for you on the other side of some real work.
Your clients, customers and the rest of the world will be better served when you are truly able to understand how valuable you can be to them.
P.S. If you want to work on this at a deeper level, here’s an audio I recorded to help you reset the brainwashing you’ve received about how valuable you are.