The Desert of Arizona
Clear 40 Degrees – 7:19 a.m.
You are not here to be a net consumer, you are here to demonstrate your powers of creation. Instead of consumption, a life well lived comes from production that adds value to the world.
I’ve found the most fulfilling path and the most rewarding path on multiple levels is production in the form of service to others.
Some people call this “business” but I think that term is pretty limiting for what this work is about.
At this moment in time, there’s probably SOMETHING you’ve been considering that you have not yet started. Maybe it’s a new enterprise, maybe it’s expanding or changing the one you already have.
Maybe you have some serious reservations about moving forward. Maybe it won’t work. Maybe you’re not “good enough” to do it. Maybe it’s risky. What will others think?
Whatever reservations you have about doing that, whatever self-imposed limitations you have created that require a certain set of circumstances to be true BEFORE you would move forward…
My recommendation is to CANCEL those reservations and focus on serving others.
What if it doesn’t work? What if you mess up? What if you do it wrong?
In the childhood prison system of “school,” being wrong is not acceptable behavior. So there’s a stigma attached to doing it “wrong.” Why do you think grades were invented? So compliance to an arbitrary set of rules can be rewarded and non-compliance can be punished.
But in the world of service, this dynamic doesn’t exist. These two events of right and wrong are, in my experience, inextricably linked. In fact, one comes before the other.
I can’t think of anything I’ve ever tried that WORKED that didn’t come after doing something that DIDN’T work.
Have the guts to cancel your reservations and move forward with no regard for ANYONE except the people you choose to serve.
If the world laughs at you’ll, that’s the point at which you’ll prove to yourself it’s not fatal. And then you can move forward again and leave those folks in the dust where they can be comfortable.