Can I Email You Every Day of Your Life?

The Desert of Arizona
Clear 61 Degrees

Can you imagine ANYONE taking you up on an offer to email them every day?

I can’t. I certainly wouldn’t say yes. Not when the question is presented that way.

But the platform allows things to happen that otherwise wouldn’t happen.

And people do say yes to platforms that arrive every single day. Because the package you wrap the platform in looks inherently valuable and attractive to them. It looks that way because it actually is valuable to them.

Now that’s not saying they’ll stick around forever.

But have you ever wondered why people have historically trusted publications like the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal?

Well, putting aside the “bought and paid for” corporate media thing, they earned trust because they showed up every day for someone, for decades.

Now I started this message talking about emailing prospects everyday, but most platforms don’t end up being a daily thing. The frequency doesn’t matter as much as the consistency.

The frequency controls the speed at which trust develops. The more promises made and fulfilled, the more quickly trust grows.

A platform is something where a prospective client or customer has pre-agreed to receive communications from you on a set schedule. You can’t get an agreement like THAT with “advertising.”