Building Someone Else’s Dreams

The Client Letter
October 18, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 56 Degrees

When you’re working with clients, it’s extremely easy to get caught up in the work.

You get busy, you put your head down and don’t come up for air for months sometimes.

When things get busy, it’s very VERY easy to lose track of whether or not you are actually making progress towards your goals.

Busy isn’t a goal. Profitable clients is a goal.

I’m reading Dan Kennedy’s new edition of his time management book and came upon a passage I hadn’t noticed before.

It’s where he explains his process for evaluating the potential profitability of each new piece of client business. If the profitability isn’t there, he turns down the business.

I wish I had started that habit years ago. Imagine if you sat down and evaluated each piece of new business as to whether or not it would be PROFITABLE?

I bet you would have passed on a lot of the “opportunities” that now clutter up your todo list. The ones that you’re dreading because the money just isn’t worth the hassle.

When you’re focused on serving your clients, it’s easy to get caught up in helping them build their dreams and totally lose sight of building your own.

You can correct that oversight right now… and again tomorrow and the next day. Pretty soon, all you’ll have left are profitable clients that are actually helping you move towards your goals.