Attracting Better

The Client Letter
November 19, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 61 Degrees

After yesterday’s issue of The Client Letter, I got the following question:

“Your email begs the question. How do you change a
customer’s view of you from vendor to advisor?

And just as importantly, how do you start out being
the ‘advisor’ instead of being the ‘vendor’?”

Here’s how I responded:

“I don’t think you DO change the view once it’s set in their mind. You move on from them and attract the right clients.

The way you get treated like an advisor, I believe, is to stop acting like a vendor. Over time, you actually start to believe in your value as an advisor. And then the world notices and starts to act accordingly.

It’s a weird process, but I’ve experienced it first hand so I know it works.”

There are two takeaways from this:

First, accept where you’re at and with whom you are currently working. There is great freedom to be found in the acceptance of what IS. And it’s only the fool who argues with reality. I should know, I used to be one.

Second, do the work required to attract better. That’s the name of the game. It’s a steady progression upwards.