Alpha Schmalpha

The Desert of Arizona
Call In the Rain! 78 Degrees 5:40 a.m.

My life began to shift the year I started working with a shaman in this part of the country, the desert of Arizona.

Apparently, the universe felt it was time for Jason to grow up, so an appropriate teacher was sent to do the job (thanks, by the way!).

We did a lot of work, for years. And if you get value from the Daily Journal I send out everyday, then this teacher is directly responsible for helping me unlock the raw materials to offer that gift to you.

During our time working together, I went from clueless, to student, to teaching some classes on my own while still being the eternal student.

Much of our work was done in the alpha (or below) brainwave state.

Beta is your normal brainwave state…

Alpha is a little slower…

Then theta…

Then delta… (technically you are still alive but you look dead, eek!)

Your perception and abilities shift depending on the state you are in. When you are able to move from one to another at will, powerful things can happen.

One of the fascinating things about the alpha brainwave state (think light meditation, or the state your brain is in RIGHT before you drift off to sleep), is that it opens up a clear and unrestricted path to your subconscious. That’s the part of your brain that runs programs without criticism.

This is basically how hypnotism works. A person in the alpha brainwave state receives information that is allowed to SNEAK BY the conscious mind’s filter. It gets into the subconscious and affects the software program(s) the person runs from day to day.

So here is where things get interesting…

We all know that events in our childhood, things our parents said over and over, actions they took, affected us in deep ways. “Rich people are evil and going to burn in hell” comes to mind for me! 🙂

But I didn’t understand WHY this affects us so much. And I certainly didn’t understand what to do about it.

And then one day, reading a book connecting the dots between how thought and belief directly affect the BIOLOGY of a person, it clicked.

Because I read that, up until the age of 7, children exist in an alpha brainwave state ALL THE TIME.

Their subconscious is wide open for about 7 years. (This is why “make believe,” as adults like to call it to make themselves feel comfortable about non-physical realities, is so easy for children.) That’ll make you think just a bit.

What that means is that, if you’re like most people, you’ve been running the programs installed in your mind during the first 7 years of your life. Nice.

I’ll be digging into this (and what to do about it!) next week during the Mindset Reset teleclass. What’s a superior mindset worth to you? What are the RIGHT programs worth to you? I don’t know. But I know what they’ve been worth to me.

If you want to get started early, you can pick-up the issue of the Field Report that covers this in detail. It’s in the members’ archive right now. The issue is called, “The Master of Your Fate and What to Do About It. If you’re not a subscriber, fix that here and you can get the issue right away.