All Hyped Up and No Place to Go…

Mountains of Arizona
Clear 53 Degrees
6:47 a.m.

Not long ago, I got a question from a client who had just come from a training seminar where they teach you how to be an expert.

If you’re leaving these events with more questions than when you began, something is missing.

What is missing is clarity.

Now a lack of clarity creates pain. And if you’ve got a coaching program you’d like to sell, then overwhelming and confusing people is one approach to doing it.

They will be excited with little idea about what to actually DO.

I didn’t realize until recently that I existed for quite some time in this state. I’m talking YEARS.

All hyped up and no place to go…

But this isn’t really helpful. And from my perspective, it will really work against all parties involved in the long term. The business owner AND the client will suffer long term.

Business is NOT complicated. Especially if you have a framework of values, objectives and principles installed that simplify the decision making process. In fact, for most of the people I speak with, it takes about 30 minutes for me to see the way forward.

Yes, it’s a talent I have. But I also work on it almost every day.

How do I create a business out of that when I can solve people’s problems in 30 minutes or less?

“How do you keep them coming back? How do you get them to stick?”

That’s not a question I ask. Because that’s the very OPPOSITE of the direction I’m going. And questions like that betray a deep insecurity of not enough–a vibration I have no intention of entertaining. I willfully REFUSE to create on that frequency.

Instead, I simply find more problems to solve, or better ways to solve problems I’m already solving.

Stop focusing on retention and customer lifetime value and start thinking about real solutions to real problems for real human beings.

Most of the thinking about “marketing” and getting people to stick around is really just a symptom of NOT having a solution that’s worth sticking around FOR.

That’s the work.