About Your Website

The Client Letter
December 18, 2012
Sedona, Arizona
Partly Cloudy 28 Degrees

Getting a website up for your business is a pretty cheap and quick thing to do these days.

Heck, you can go and create a free website in quite a few places and be up and running in about 10 minutes.

If you want a website that’s going to get you a client, however, that’s probably not going to cut it. Actually, it’s most definitely not going to cut it.

But don’t think for a minute that you need better technology to get the clients calling.


Instead, you need something else. It’s a very specialized skill and a special way of thinking that you need.

And if you go out surfing on the world wide web, it’s clear that most people don’t have either of these.

Instead, they’re led around from one piece of glitzy technology to another. One week, everyone’s shouting that Facebook® is the key to getting clients.

The next week, it’s LinkedIN. Then Twitter (as if)… then it’s WordPress.

Pretty soon these poor people have more technology than they know what to do with. The credit card statement proves it.

What they don’t have is a client getting website.

No one’s talking about that. About what type of strategy it takes to engineer the correct structure to get a prospect to take a step towards you. About how you build credibility and position yourself in a powerful way to set yourself apart from EVERYONE.

And how do you set up “filters” that automatically sift and sort your prospects to help weed out the tire kickers?

You don’t see much about that. Instead it’s all about this plugin and that new automatic gizmo that’ll get you traffic and wash your dishes.

This isn’t rocket science here. It’s human science. And it’s understanding how to use a few simple pieces of technology to generate a result involving human behavior.

Without a clear understanding of that foundation, all you’ve got is technology. And the bad news is… so does everyone else!

Not much of a competitive advantage really.

If you want a website that helps you get clients, then there’s something I’d like to show you…

Click here to see what it is.