A “Way Out” For People Who Hate Selling Themselves

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 65 Degrees

So let’s go back to the new cookware I purchased not long ago. I started that day like most every day: I started the day NOT thinking about purchasing cookware.

By the end of the day, however, things had changed. A new set of cookware was in the works. How did that happen? How did a complete stranger walk into my home, and walk out several hours later with a sale worth thousands of dollars?

The answer is a single word:


She didn’t come in, setup the cookware, and launch into a sales presentation. No, she did something different.

She walked in and she cooked dinner.

So here’s the good news for people who hate selling themselves.

You don’t have to do it. Not exactly.

Two things to think about:

First, your dislike of selling might be masking a much deeper issue of a lack of belief in your own value. I have no idea. You do. And if that’s the case, then work on that. That’s work that will benefit you and the world on every level. The world doesn’t need another scared individual.

Second, you don’t have to “sell” yourself if you don’t want to. But if you choose NOT to sell, then you must demonstrate. You must create a way to demonstrate what you do in front of your prospects in a way that takes the need for selling OFF the table.

Demonstration creates attraction. It pulls people close who are interested in what you are doing.

Imagine you have a product that cleans dishes instantly. All you have to do is put two drops in some water, dump the dishes in, snap your fingers and pull out the clean dishes.

You wouldn’t have to try too hard to sell that. You probably wouldn’t even have to speak a word.

Instead, you’d set up a table on a busy street corner and start washing dishes. People would be amazed. You’d set out sample packs of the goop for people to take along with instructions for reordering.

Sales job DONE. No speaking. No “selling.”

Are you doing this or not?

Make today the day you make a decision.

Are you going to sell or are you going to demonstrate?

If you want to “sell” and learn the 487 different ways to “close” a prospect in record time, I’m definitely not the right person to lead you forward. First, I stink at that. Second, I don’t believe in it at all as a good way to treat people.

If you want to demonstrate and attract, then you are in the right place.

If you haven’t enrolled for the Incomparable Expert Hotseat Session coming up next week, get on the list. I’m going to choose a few of the people who enroll and do live hotseats about their business. You get a recording even if you can’t make it on live, or if there’s no space left.