The Morton’s Steakhouse Incident

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 70 Degrees

Today we’re going to test your limits of just how much “crazy” you can take from Jason.

I was up at 3:30 this morning to pick my daughter up from the airport. So that, and the 5 hours in the car have combined to put me in some type of hyper-lucid state. I feel clearer than ever 🙂

So if this is “the end,” know it was a privilege serving you. If you resonate with this and are still here come Monday, I’m thankful for that too.

So let’s begin with a little story…

Years ago, I was sitting beside a successful businessman during a dinner at a Morton’s Steakhouse.

To be frank, I don’t remember much about the food. I’m sure it was good. I was way more interested in the fact I was having a real conversation with someone who didn’t spend his life talking about the weather.

At one point, the guy I was talking to leaned over and explained that if there was one thing he wanted to be known for, it was LOVE.

There I was, talking to a successful businessman about a FOUR LETTER WORD (the good kind) that rarely makes it into the lexicon of business.

But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t belong. It only means that most people can’t see the reality of what’s right in front of their face.

For some reason, people separate the world of being a human and the world of business. But that’s a lie. There’s no separation. There is no “business.” It’s all personal. People helping people, or people hurting people.

Now the way this gentlemen led up to telling me this word… the way he kind of qualified it as potentially something I might not “get,” made me think that maybe he’d said it to others before and gotten bizarre reactions.

Didn’t sound bizarre to me. In fact, it was one of the most cogent things I’d heard in a while.

Now I’ve done enough work on me to realize that in this world, despite what it looks like, love is all there is.

If this is a new thought for you, great. Think about it.

Every emotion you feel is on the spectrum between a total presence of love and a total “absence” of it. But love is the only ingredient we have to work with on this planet. Everything else is derived from it in some way. So that means “evil” isn’t a thing. It’s simply what’s left in the absence of love.

You want to attract amazing clients? Then go figure out how to make yourself actually understand that you’re WHOLE. That you’re not broken. That you don’t need fixing. This is what most people would call LOVING yourself. It’s about the most powerful “business” tip I could ever give you. If you can’t do it for yourself, you’re going to have a hard time gifting it to others.

So try this:

Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye and tell yourself you’re awesome.

If you really have work to do in this area, you’ll probably chuckle. This simple act, done in private, will make you feel uncomfortable. If you have less work to do, you might feel chills. And if you’ve already done a lot of work in this area, you’ll probably feel a surge of power along with a pleasant calm.

Know that WHATEVER you feel, that’s what you’re offering the world, including your clients.

The best way to “change” the world, is to change YOU.