Getting Through the First Date

The Client Letter
August 23, 2011
Sedona Arizona

RE: Getting through the first date.

I’m not much of a dating man. Been married for over 11 years to the same woman who, despite my antics, is STILL here 🙂

It’s fair to say that I don’t have much experience out on the dating scene.

I do have a good deal of experience when it comes to “dating” clients though.

You might say that dealing with prospective clients is a bit like dating. And that the initial contact you make with prospective clients is pretty much like the first date.

During that first date, there’s huge potential to screw everything up. No pressure, just remember that. It’s important that you are smart about how you start things out.

When you see someone advertising for services you provide, it’s tempting to go running up to them full speed so that you can tell them just how much you can help them.

In a perfect world, that would get you somewhere. In our world, it doesn’t seem to work out very well.

There’s a difference between you and the people who are earning the fees you want to be earning. The difference is that they know something you don’t know and they’re using that knowledge to do things you aren’t doing. That can change, starting now.

Get the details…

It goes back to the attraction thing that I talk about all the time (it’s that important).

Things that are readily available are not as attratractive as things that aren’t.

So here’s a quick email that I send out when I see a project:

Saw your ad for a copywriter and your project caught my eye.

Not sure if we’d be a good fit without talking a little more
with you, but I’ve included links to just a few of the
promotions I’ve written:


Here’s a link to results I’ve helped generate:

Here’s a link to testimonials from clients:

If you like what you see, feel free to contact me at the
information below.


That’s it. The email doesn’t say how great I am. The email says nothing about what I can do for anyone. The email promises nothing.

At this point, I have no idea if I can help them or even if I want to help them.

I can figure all that out on the phone. The important thing is not to ruin your chances by being too eager.

Don’t forget that.

See you tomorrow,

Jason Leister
Clients Suck
Creating Success for Independent Professionals