The Value of Being “Difficult”

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 55 Degrees

RE: The value of being “difficult”

Before we get to today’s issue, there are about 36 hours left to get 25% off everything at Art of Clients. (This includes coaching, provided your Application is completed before the sale ends.)

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Now the topic for today: the value of being “difficult.”

If you’ve never seen the Seinfeld episode where Elaine finds out that doctors have been labeling her as a “difficult” patient, take a look. It’s pretty funny.

When I was in school, “being difficult” was a big clue you were going to run into some turbulence. The system doesn’t like “difficult.” It likes compliant.

But as with so many other things, the real world is completely the OPPOSITE of life inside the Schooling Matrix.

In the real world, being “difficult” is a huge advantage. In fact, being “difficult” can lead to enormous benefits. One of those benefits is money and clients.


It’s called “pushback,” and it’s exactly how you advise people.

When you listen to your clients and accept everything they say without question, not only are you doing YOURSELF a disservice, you are also doing them an enormous disservice.

If the only thing your clients need is someone to “Yes” them to death, they could probably get one of those talking dolls at Wal-Mart and save a ton of money. But that’s not why you are there.

You are there to listen, challenge and lead. You are there to help them achieve things they wouldn’t otherwise achieve. You are there to question and poke and prod in an effort to produce a superior result.

That requires that you actually “show-up” and have the guts to do that work.

The funny thing is, the more you do this, the more respect you tend to generate. And the more people begin to search you out for your unique perspective. In addition, you generally get to charge higher fees.

All from being “difficult.” Think about it.