Attracting Disrespect

The Client Letter
November 27, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Rising Sun 36 Degrees

Wouldn’t you like to find the secret land somewhere where you could get a long list of clients who actually respected you?

Doesn’t it feel nice when you get a client that respects you?

So what’s wrong with the folks who you’re working with who just can’t seem to give you the respect you deserve? And more importantly, what should you do about those people?

Should you ignore them? Should you tell them to go away? Should you return their “lack of respect” for you with some of your own–maybe with some attitude thrown in there just to make it fun?


You could do those things. In fact, that’s what a lot of people do do.

But I think that’s probably not the best move.

Instead, I’d recommend you embrace the disrespect and say, “Thanks!” Because what you’re doing is thanking the universe for giving you a big clue about yourself. It’s shining a bright light on an area where you have an enormous opportunity to grow.

This will improve your business, for sure. But it will also transform your life.

We attract clients that are, in some way, like ourselves. Of this, I am sure. This is one of the universal rules I’m glad someone figured out and passed on to me.

It’s this rule that keeps me from blowing my top when a client “disrespects me.” I put that in quotes as a joke. Because it reminds me of how many years I lived like a victim. Living like the world was doing things to me. Boy, I was immature.

Today, I am no victim. Neither are you, unless you choose to be.

And that means that there’s no way anyone can “disrespect you” without YOU playing a major role in the drama.

The good news is that, if you’re attracting clients to you that don’t “respect you,” then there’s a huge spotlight shining on the work you have to do.

Clients don’t respect you because, at some level, YOU don’t respect you.

So the solution doesn’t come from changing “them,” it comes from changing you.

How do you learn to respect yourself?

Well, in my experience, that’s quite a process. It’s a journey, not an event.

But it doesn’t have to take forever. And it all starts with a decision to do it.

That’s why I recorded the Big Self Blueprint. I took my 6 year journey and condensed it down into 90 minutes.

The message I have isn’t for everyone. But for the right people, it’s effective.

I don’t know if you’re one of those people. But my hunch is that, deep down, you know.

Respect begins with you. If you don’t respect yourself, no one else can.