The Client Letter
October 9, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Cloudy 52 Degrees
Think back to some time in your life where you really wanted something that was clearly not a necessity.
You know that process you go through when you slowly convince yourself that now is the right time to get that thing?
This is a powerful and mysterious force. One minute you’re thinking, “Nahh… I shouldn’t get it.” But before you know it, you’re at the counter with your wallet out.
What in the world happened? One minute you are an intelligent individual and the next minute something else takes over and walks you up to the cash register.
As business people, it’s easy to think that selling is something we do to other people. We sell them on things. But in the client world, those aren’t really the clients you want to be working with. If you have to “sell” them to get them in the door, good luck with that!
The reality seems to be that selling is a process that goes on in the heart and mind of the buyer.
Consider it a form of “upside down selling.” You don’t have to sell anyone on you, you just have to create the environment for them to sell themselves!
That’s really how it works anyway, so why not help it along?
You have to give them reasons to want to buy you. And this is what a PLATFORM does. It provides those reasons one little crumb at a time.
The funny part is, you never know which crumbs do the trick. You don’t have to. But one day, you publish something that clicks with someone and that’s it. They pick-up the phone and call.
The days are over where you can use money to just buy trust outright. Everyone’s too cynical. Everyone’s been burned way too many times.
You have to earn it. You have to prove it. You have to demonstrate that you are worthy of the trust you want.
The question is, “Are you currently providing the proof required for your prospective clients to SELL THEMSELVES on you?”
If not, then make sure you get a seat for the upcoming LIVE event I’m hosting. I’l connect the dots for you so you can get moving on the right track.