The Client Letter
October 8, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Cloudy 62 Degrees
I have a faint recollection from my childhood of making a lot of mistakes in school because I was always hurrying to get done. I cut corners just to be finished with something.
I remember having to write some story early on in elementary school where we were learning about possessive words or something.
The goal was to use a certain number of them in your story. But instead of writing a good story, I just loaded up the sentences with the same words over and over and over again.
I got the assignment done quickly. But then I had to go back and actually do it for real.
The world makes you think that fast is good. If you work in a factory, I imagine that’s what I’d want my employees thinking. But that’s just not the case when you actually get out into reality and look at WHO is winning.
Methodical, steady and relentless seems to win over and over again.
It’s just like the children’s story about the tortoise and the hare who are racing… slow and steady wins the race.
When you’re trying to attract clients, slow and steady is better. The trust is better, the fees are better, the work is better.
I’ve noticed that the more success a prospective client has had, the slower they tend to move.
They’re not in a rush to “make it” and so they can take their time.
When you show someone that YOU’RE not in a rush to get them as a client, that communicates something that words can’t.
The best attention getting, trust building, client attracting strategy I’ve ever seen is the PLATFORM.
You build it and then you watch it. It’s slow, it’s steady, but it works!
Once you have one working for you, you can chillax 🙂 and play the tortoise. Because the tortoise was right, slow and steady wins the race.
If you don’t have a PLATFORM, or don’t know what that really is, then you need to read this.
Space is limited so take a look.