Unwrapping the Package

The Client Letter
August 20, 2013
The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 86 Degrees

Remember when you got a gift as a kid, only to open it up and see it wasn’t something you wanted?

I’m sure you can remember that feeling.

It’s easy to get that feeling when you’re trying to get a client. You do everything you can to “close” the client but it just isn’t happening.

You end up feeling a bit deflated, just like opening up that unwanted gift as a kid.

The natural response is to start searching for “how to get clients” in a better way.

The smarter path is to give up the feelings that come with getting a client as well as those that come when you DON’T get one.

Truly don’t care what happens.

This is an ability that’s worth the practice to develop.

When you’re speaking with a prospect, you’re basically unwrapping a package.

You don’t know if it’s going to be an awesome toy inside (a client), or a piece of coal (a dud)… and it doesn’t matter!

The important thing isn’t what’s inside, the important thing is that you get the package opened.

Is there something there or not?

Like a kid on Christmas morning… just figure out your process for getting to the truth about what’s inside the package.

One of the big obstacles to this truth is fear, fear that if you say the wrong thing to a prospect, it’ll ruin your chances of them hiring you.

Fear keeps you from getting the truth. It keeps you wasting your time with prospects that don’t deserve you or that simply aren’t a good fit.

We’re going to talk about fear Thursday night. Most people know that fear is a powerful force. But far fewer understand how to take that force (energy) and actually use it for something good.

If you haven’t enrolled yet for the Big Self Blueprint, see what it’s about here.