Coming Back Into Your Body

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 65 Degrees – 11:07 a.m.

So this is my son’s dog, Tulup. Tulup has an extremely big heart and also a very overactive nervous system. She gets spooked easily, and it takes her a little while to calm down.

If you’re calm around her, things tend to go better than if you allow her vibe to knock you off your center.

Clients are like this too. They respond to the signals you put out. Most of these signals are deeper than conscious thought, but they can be influenced by conscious thought, focus and intention.

You put out uneasiness, you get it back.

You put out confidence and calm, you get THAT back.

Anyone who has studied client attraction for any length of time and at any serious depth KNOWS you attract that which you are.

So the way you change your clients is to change you FIRST.

We are biological machines that emit bio-energy. This energy radiates out and interacts with the outer world.

An effective way to work on this ability to control/shift the signal you’re sending out is to figure out how to inhabit both your mind and body at the same time.

Most people in today’s society are stuck in their minds. That’s how they were trained, that’s what they see from others, and as sad as it is to say, that’s the current definition of “normal.”

If you’re stuck in your mind, not only are you cut off from your true power, it’s very easy to LIVE in a state of unease. It’s no coincidence you could also call this state dis-ease.

If you are able to come out of being solely in your mind and also be IN YOUR BODY, you move through the world with a much greater sense of power and direction.

How do you start?

Just start by breathing and paying attention to that breath.

Do that throughout the day.

This is easy to say and much harder to do, but DOING it is worth it because:

  • You will feel better.
  • You will be more centered and focused.
  • People will respond to you differently.

And you will also begin to realize that you are the CAUSAL point of your reality not the spectator.

You are actually creating what unfolds before you.