Your Answers

The Desert of Arizona
Clear, Going Up To 56 Degrees

It took me a long time to realize that business is not difficult.

It’s really quite straightforward. It’s a process of solving problems for specific people by wrapping those solutions in stories that resonate with them.

There. That’s the recipe for business success. At no charge!

That brings us to the part that is difficult for a lot of people. Certainly was for me.

The part I’m talking about is CLARITY.

Which problems? Which people? Which stories?

Without clarity about purpose, direction and mission, the business recipe gets a LOT blurrier.

So many people invest their time looking to learn about business when really what they should be learning about is THEMSELVES. What they really want. What they really love. What they’re REALLY here to do. How best they are prepared to SERVE.

You know what makes “business” simple for me NOW?

The presence of clarity. I know what I’m about. I know what I’m good at. I know what I’m here to do.

And to anyone who is struggling with answers to those questions, understand my answers weren’t hiding in someone else’s book or course or training.

They were only discovered after I made a point to help others first in the best way I knew how.

And frankly, I’d do this anyway. I’d do the exact same thing I’m doing regardless of what came or did not come from it.

I’m not grooming myself to be the next billion dollar entrepreneur. Heck, I can’t even stand the thought of having an “employee.” Partner, yes… employee, no way. I can’t stomach the idea of having someone around who I would tell what to do. Call me dysfunctional, or just call me Jason. But there you go. Pretty much puts me out of the billionaire club right there.

But you know why that’s a good thing for me?

Because I can ignore 99% of all of the chatter out there that doesn’t relate to where I’m going.

Where am I going?

Wherever what I do everyday takes me. That’s where. My goal is not “out there” somewhere, my goal is a full and powerful use of the present moment. Just like THIS moment. And THIS one…

What if you could ignore almost everything?

You can, once you get clear. It might take time. It might take work. It might take a whole lot more solitude and silence before you begin to hear your answers. But you’ll get there. There’s nowhere else to go!

Your monkey mind won’t like it. And it will do anything and everything to keep you from ever discovering your answers. Because once you do, your SOUL takes charge and the monkey mind is forced to come along for the ride.