Working With Jerks

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 90 Degrees

RE: Working with jerks

There’s this thing about working with jerks. The thing is that no one likes to do it.

You might think I’m talking about jerk clients, but I’m not. I’m talking about jerk service providers.

Those are the ones that walk around acting like they are God’s gift to the world. You might refer to them as just a wee bit “inflexible.” It’s either their way or nothing.

Some service providers are told that’s an effective way to build a business. That having a personality like that is somehow “attractive.”

Being a “diva” IS often attractive, until you actually get close to the person and realize you can’t stand them!

So the “diva” or “jerk” approach might GET you a client, but it isn’t such a smart strategy if you actually want to KEEP a client. And it really doesn’t matter how good you are at what you do.

Put yourself in your client’s shoes. Would you rather work with the BEST service provider in the world that’s a total jerk, or with the one that’s 80% as good that’s actually pleasant?

It would take me about 2 seconds to choose the guy or gal who’s actually pleasant.

Life is too short to work with a**holes. Service providers usually say that about clients, but never forget, your clients are saying that about you too!

You are there to help your clients achieve goals. Sometimes there are things they want to do that jeopardize reaching that destination. Those the times you speak up and be firm.

Much of the time, however, it’s smartest to just stick your ego in a sack and understand there’s often more than one route to a goal.

You want to be an Incomparable Expert, but you don’t want to achieve that goal by being someone your clients can’t stand working with.