
Mountains of Arizona
Sunny 72 Degrees
12:08 p.m.

I’m a word guy. I started as a copywriter.

But I didn’t last long on the traditional track because the idea of getting hired to write about another way to get rich or get healthy just by doing “ONE simple thing” started to bore me to death.

As a very wealthy man once said, “You don’t get wealthy by buying things, you get wealthy by selling them.”

I want to work impacting the lives of people who know this, not manipulating folks who continue to believe in silver bullets and are constantly searching for them.

So I found my sweet spot and now I use words to help people transform.

Words are containers for ideas. Without a container, it’s hard to express an idea. With a container, it’s easy to invent new ideas or completely transform or corrupt existing ones.

Containers are manipulated for both good and not so good aims.

So it’s worth the work to learn to see beyond these containment fields that have been set up for you.

This is extremely effective in business and even more profound in life.

Take the word “free” as an example.

We all know what that means. We argue about how much to charge, how much to give away for “free…” we talk about how entitled people are who want nothing BUT free… we know if we give too much for free no one will want to pay… yada, yada.

We’ve got quite a belief structure built up around this single word – free.

Here’s the funny thing:

At one time, there was no reason for this word to exist. At the beginning, everything WAS free, so there was no word required to describe what was.

Just ask the animals. They know. They STILL know the truth.

Only when certain people made up the idea that you should have to pay to live on this planet did FREE have the space needed to exist and come to take on the meaning it has today.

An idea literally created a polarity that didn’t exist.

It’s a completely invented concept that shifted everyone’s perception of “reality.” And now most of humanity is literally ruled by it.

We’re so entrained by this spell that we think it’s normal.

Why would anyone go to this amount of thought about anything?

One of the most effective ways to truly be an expert is to develop your own way of seeing the world and everything in it. No one goes to an “expert” to get the very same advice 100 other people are dishing out.

You have to discover where you’ve been programmed to see only what the system wants you to see.

Start looking closely at everything and asking WHY.

Then ask, “Is this something I actually CHOSE to do or think or was it CHOSEN for me?”

You might be surprised at what you discover.