Why Struggle Has No Value

The Desert of Arizona
Rain 58 Degrees – 8:33 a.m.

Today I’m going to posit the idea that your “struggle” has no value to your customers and clients.

I’m working with a client right now who realized his need for struggle in order to feel like he was doing something valuable.

We are not born this way, we are trained this way.

In the factory, you’re supposed to work hard all the time! But clearly, that mindset doesn’t serve you. In fact, it embeds in you a certain (fabricated) emotional reaction to being “in the flow,” where life is easy.

But really, how VALUABLE can you be to clients if you’re doing things that require struggle?

When you’re doing what you do best, there’s really no struggle.

When I’m writing a salesletter for a client or designing a marketing campaign or figuring out how best to position someone as one-of-a-kind, it’s EASY.

Yes it takes life force, and yes, I get tired after sending out a bunch of creative energy. But struggle?


And over the years, I’ve embarked on my own recovery process to happily charge a premium fee for what is valuable to others that comes very easily to ME.

If it’s hard for you, it might not actually be valuable to anyone EXCEPT that little insecure voice in your head that says there must be pain for you to feel like you’re delivering value.

This is a lie. This is evil. Evil? “Isn’t that a little over the top Jason? Too much caffeine this morning? Why don’t you simmer down?”

Evil, to me, is something that degrades the human spirit. It is a LACK of love. So, no, I don’t think that term is over the top.

That’s exactly what this is. It is a lack of love for YOU.

It is a hole we’ve been trained to fill through adding PAIN of our own making.

Striving is not struggle. Pushing beyond limits is not struggle.

Those are aspirational emotions that celebrate the human spirit.

STRUGGLE is something we force ourselves to do so we can feel like “enough.”

My entire experience so far shows me that, when I’m doing what I’m here to do, I do not experience struggle.

How do you fix this?

You develop the ability to look at you as OTHERS see you.

See things from the outside in. You might discover just how valuable you are, perhaps for the first time ever.