Why Clients Lie

If you’ve been working with clients very long, you probably already have your own list of situations where you’ve been lied to by prospects or clients.

I doubt most of the lies clients tell are malicious. But no one can argue with the fact that it happens.

Clients say they’ll do things… and those things never happen.

Or they say they won’t do things… and those things do happen.

“I’ll call you next Tuesday and we’ll get going…” is a perfect example.

If you’re not expecting lies, it can be quite disconcerting.

And it’s easy to take it personally and start asking you questions like:

  • Is it me?
  • Is it something I did?
  • Is it something I said… or didn’t say?
  • Are they angry?
  • Should I knock a bit off the fee?

Well, let me help you out with some answers.

Actually, there’s only one answer:

Stop Worrying About It. It’s Not About You, It’s About Them

I used to be surprised when clients lied. Now I realize it doesn’t matter. It has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with you. It has to do with them.

Maybe they feel pressured by your ninja like sales tactics…

Maybe they’re really insecure about where their business is heading and they feel scared anytime they’re asked to pull out their checkbook.

Heck, maybe their cat died…

Like I said, it doesn’t matter. And it’s not about you.

Just know that it happens. Clients lie. Expect it.

Not in a cynical, expect bad things kind of way, just in a realistic, “don’t get yourself killed out there,” kind of way.

Believe things when the happen, not when they’re spoken.

The payment will be there Monday… RIGHT.

The graphics files will be there Tuesday… RIGHT.

There will be work for you in the future… RIGHT.

Blah, blah, blah.

The real important point here is to NOT allow yourself to get emotionally wrapped up in the lies. They will slow you down and really cloud your thinking.

Lies happen. They have happened. They will happen again.

But you can prosper anyway.