Today’s a Good Day For a Rebellion

The Desert of Arizona

RE: Today’s a good day for a rebellion

Please tattoo the statement below somewhere on your body where you’ll see it.

Value is not a function of time.

If you don’t believe that, there’s no way you’re going to attract clients that believe that.

And if you attract clients that believe in the “value=time that they see you working” idea, you will have won yourself a JOB for the rest of your life. Oh, it’ll be a job PLUS all the risk that comes with running your own business. Sounds fun doesn’t it?

So where did this idea come from that creates such an issue for service providers who DON’T want to limit their income by the number of hours in a day?

Well I hate to be so anti-school system here (again!), but I’m afraid that’s where it came from. (Notice I’m not anti-learning, I’m anti-compliance heavy forced TEACHING. There’s a big difference.)

Is there a reason we all go to school for eight hours a day? Is it a coincidence that the eight hour school day is exactly as long as the eight hour work day in “the factory?”

And who gets paid at the factory for eight hours if they don’t show up and work for eight hours?

So we’re working against decades of brainwashing. Most of humanity has it embedded in their psyche that there is a direct correlation between VALUE and TIME INVESTED.

How do you deal with this? I’d recommend nothing short of a rebellion of the mind.

And what about the people that won’t support your “rebellion?”

In the words of Seth Godin, you “SHUN THE NON-BELIEVERS.”

This is why attraction is so important. This is why building a PLATFORM is so important. This is why becoming ONE OF A KIND is so important.

Because you need to overcome an enormous amount of inertia in order to reverse this brainwashing. In other words, people have to want YOU enough that they disobey what they’ve been trained to think about value and time.

You simply don’t want to work with the clients who can’t escape from their “factory-centric, hard day of work” mentality.

Why would you when you can spend your time attracting folks who GET that you might be able to deliver an enormous amount of value to them in minutes?

A few days ago, I spent 15 minutes on the phone with a woman named Cynthia.

One would think that there’s not a lot you can do in 15 minutes. But one would be wrong to think that.

Because by the end of that short call, Cynthia had a new way to focus her service so it can become attractive to the right prospects–to prospects who are already WINNING, instead of to prospects who need help to stay afloat.

Here was her response to the call…

“It only took 15 minutes, as advertised! Jason has a remarkable talent for listening, asking the pertinent questions, and then perceptively getting to the heart of your business matter or concern. As a new business owner, I’ve taken his advice many times from his daily “The Client Letter” and it has never failed. Jason’s simplistic and real-world style resonates with me. He’s earned my trust and respect implicitly.

Thank you, Jason! You’ve found your calling!

Cynthia Warren
Professional Assistant

I have to say, Cynthia is right… I have found my calling. And the ability to offer someone clarity like this in such a short time is an enormous privilege.

Now some good news. I’m willing to offer this to you, provided you take action before Sunday night.

Purchase any product at Art of Clients, and I’ll throw in a complimentary Monday Mastermind consultation valued at $99. During that 25 minute appointment, we can address ANYTHING as it relates to client attraction, management or mindset.

Like I said, Sunday night is the LATEST this will be offered. But if I get too many of them coming in, I’ll have to shut it off early. So act quickly while it’s still reasonable for me to offer this.

Here’s where you can find all of the resources that are available.

Just forward me your receipt and let me know you want to schedule your complimentary Mastermind.