The Way of the Incomparable Expert

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 50 Degrees

Over the weekend, I was catching up on some reading and came across a certain blog where the writer was coming back from a time away.

She explained that she would only post new things when she had “something to say.”

I hear this fairly often. And I imagine it’s meant to imply to would-be readers that the writer will only write if there’s something important to convey. Certainly the intention is good.

While this is admirable, this is not a “platform.” In fact, this approach to adding value neutralizes one of the most powerful parts of the platform.

The power of the platform to build trust depends on promises made and promises fulfilled.

When no clear promise is made so that the viewer/reader can quickly know if the promise was fulfilled or forgotten, it’s much harder to build TRUST.

Ultimately, the platform isn’t about CONTENT. Anybody can produce “content.” The platform is about who you have to become in terms of accountability and responsibility to actually keep it going and BE VALUABLE over a long period of time.

This is not a path for the meek. It is a path for those who want to constantly be challenged to be more today than they were yesterday.

This is what I refer to as the Way of the Incomparable Expert. If you want to live on your edge, that’s a clue you belong on this path.