The Red Headed Step Child of the Client Game

The Desert of Arizona
Sunny 65 Degrees

RE: The red headed step child of the client game

So let’s talk about the red headed step child of the client game.

Everyone wants to get clients.

But getting the clients is a bit more straightforward than all of the things you have to do (and not do) after you get them in order to keep them without going nuts.

Walk into any bookstore and you’re sure to find plenty of books about getting clients. Everyone wants to get them fast and easy. It is exciting, after all, to think about that.

Just imagine a flood of clients knocking down your door. Kind of a cool picture right?

But you know what comes after you open that door? Well, you actually have to work with those people. And if you’re smart, you’ll keep working with them over and over again.

But you probably will be hard pressed to find a book in the bookstore about this part of the game. And that’s why “client management” is part of the client game you kind of have to go out of your way to focus on.

You’re not managing clients like they’re property or some type of underling. If that’s your frame of mind, I’d recommend you get rid of it. These folks feed your family, they help you achieve your dreams. So having a healthy respect for them and a genuine desire to help is something I’d recommend developing.

But that doesn’t mean you won’t go crazy if you’re not prepared. We’re in the “working with humans” business and that is always a challenge. It’s just messy, full of many shades of gray.

I’ve learned a lot about client management over the years. And in just a week or two, I’m going to share what I know with you.

Visit this page to see what I’m talking about.